Friday, September 14, 2007

And so it begins...

Someone once told me if I was ever going to do anything, I should probably write it down... since if I want to remember the great things that happen in my life, reading about them later on would help. I encourage all of you to take the plunge and read up on the sick/nastiest life story to come along since, well... probably the last guy who wrote a blog. Who's paying attention?

I tend to wax poetic about a bazillion topics ranging from Sports to Music to Art to Life to Philosophy to Politics to you get the fucking idea. I have ADHD of the pen and I choose to embrace my penchant for changing my mind.

The blog is called the Muted Echo because that is the sound the past makes. All of your memories become quieter as they bounce off the walls of your skull as you get older. This is a chance to keep that memory alive. I'm not here to talk about the past... I am just here to preserve it. So that when I am old and lonely and eating Tostitos out of the bag and watching TV in a filth-infested catacomb of a tentament house, I will be able to look back on this and remember that I was somebody, too.

I like to run down most of what I talk about in random list form, never spending particularly long on a topic. Paragraphs and complete thoughts are overrated. I like quick-hitting substance. I pay no attention syntax or grammar. No good writers do that. All great writers break convention, even if that means placing commas and shit where they don't, belong. So there's that.

You'll see how I formulate this self-indulgent mess in my next post. This is your introduction. Don't say I didn't warn you. Good luck, readers.

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